Categorías de Producto
- Hierbas (5)
- Ingredientes cosméticos (2)
- Ingredientes a base de plantas (56)
- Extractos Botánicos (33)
- Polvo de frutas y verduras (8)
- aditivo alimentario (18)
- Suplementos dietéticos (10)
Nombre del producto: Polvo de matcha verde
Sinónimo: té matcha en polvo, té verde matcha en polvo, matcha, Té verde matcha en polvo
Nombre latino: matcha
Relación de especificación: 80-120 Malla
Parte usada: hojas
Apariencia: Verde
Materia prima: Té verde;
Ingredientes nutricionales:polifenoles del te, teanina...
Muestras: Disponible para 10-20g
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
El polvo de matcha verde es un polvo de té verde premium de Japón que se usa para beber como té o como ingrediente en recetas.. Mientras que otros tés verdes se cultivan en todo el mundo, matcha es exclusivo de Japón. Es el corazón de la forma japonesa de té y se ha celebrado en la tradicional ceremonia japonesa del té durante cientos de años.. Después de la cosecha, las hojas se cuecen al vapor para desactivar las enzimas, luego se secan y se quitan los tallos y las venas, después, se muelen o muelen hasta convertirlos en polvo.
Elemento de análisis | Especificación | Resultados |
Control físico | ||
Material | Cumple | |
Apariencia | Polvo verde fresco | Cumple |
Olor | Característica | Característica |
Gusto | Meloso | Meloso |
Humedad | 7.0% máx. | 5.70% |
Ceniza(%) | 7.5% máx. | 5.60% |
Malla | ≥1000 mallas | Cumple |
Control químico | ||
Polifenoles del té | 10% mínimo | 14.20% |
Cafeína | 5% máx. | 1.20% |
Control Microbiológico | ||
Recuento total de platos, ufc/g | 1000ufc/g máx. | 220 |
E. coli | Negativo | Negativo |
People who drink matcha tea on a regular basis have low LDL (malo) colesterol, while at the same time having higher levels of HDL (good) colesterol. Men who drink matcha tea are 11 percent less likely to develop heart disease than those who don’t drink matcha.
If you drink matcha tea regularly it can help protect the liver from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and it will also reduce the liver enzymes as higher levels of these enzymes causes liver damage. Asi que, matcha tea protects your liver as well as kidneys.
A cup of matcha tea is here to set sparks in your mind. Laced with polyphenols, rich in amino acid, and with L-theanine found in high concentrations, matcha tea boosts the alpha waves in your brain. These amazing alpha waves are responsible for soothing the mind and allowing you to focus your thinking with clarity and ease.
Matcha is also rich in antioxidant properties and has firm anti-inflammatory properties which can soothe irritated skin. If you suffer from rosacea, acne, or any skin condition that brings irritation, matcha can lend a cooling hand.
Hoy en día, a variety of fruits and vegetables are lauded for their antioxidant properties, leading to a host of products with all kinds of claims. But matcha is unparalleled in comparison.
Some studies have shown that drinking green tea, which has a similar nutrient profile to matcha, may help protect against heart disease. Green tea has been shown to reduce levels of total and “bad” LDL cholesterol, as well as triglycerides
One recent study even suggested that matcha may help burn calories by four times. Al mismo tiempo, matcha does not put any stress on the body. It doesn’t raise blood pressure or heart rate, making it a safe alternative to questionable quick fixes or pharmaceuticals ridden with side effects.
Matcha is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols, which can protect against heart disease and cancer, regular el azúcar en la sangre, reduce blood pressure, boost metabolism and prevent signs of aging. Matcha is also high in fiber, which can aid in healthy digestion.
Matcha green tea (MGT) is a natural product that is currently used as a dietary supplement and may have significant anti-cancer properties. Sin embargo, the molecular mechanism(s) underpinning its potential health benefits remain largely unknown.
Green matcha powder also has minerals such as potassium (27miligramos), magnesio (2.3 miligramos) calcio (4.2miligramos), zinc (. 062miligramos), fósforo (3.5miligramos) and iron (. 17miligramos). In only 1gr of powder, you’ll find important antioxidants in matcha including vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, mi, K, and more than 50% of the daily intake of vitamin A carotene.
Matcha green tea powder boosts the immune system due to it’s high antioxidant content, particularly Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) assists your body’s production of T-Cells which reduce inflammation and fight pathogens.
-Natural additive in cosmetics, helado, pan de molde, pasta dental, galleta, y así.
Disfrutamos de relaciones comerciales amistosas y a largo plazo con clientes en todo el mundo.. Entonces podríamos ofrecer muestras gratis para el R&prueba D. Best Nutras podría ser su mejor proveedor de polvo de matcha. Y podemos personalizar su pedido de acuerdo con su demanda para garantizar que cada cliente esté satisfecho con nuestros productos de matcha..
Bienvenido a contactarnos en [email protected].