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  • Melhor Matcha em pó

    Nome do Produto: Melhor Matcha em pó
    Sinônimo: Matcha tea powder, pó de chá verde matcha, Matcha, Green tea matcha powder
    Nome latino: Matcha
    Especificação: 80 Malha
    Peça usada: leaves
    Aparência: Green
    Raw material: Green tea;
    Nutritional ingredients:tea polyphenols, theanine...
    Amostras: Disponível para 10-20g
    E-mail: [email protected]

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    Qual é o melhor pó Matcha?

    O melhor pó Matcha é um tipo de chá verde feito de chá integral, folhas de chá em pó. É cultivado a partir de plantas que possuem um processo de cultivo muito preciso e regulamentado e é feito de Camellia sinensis, a mesma planta que o branco, verde, preto, e chás oolong. O pó Matcha vem principalmente das folhas do chá verde.

    This superfood has roots stemming from traditional practices in China and Japan. Matcha powder may just be the most healthful drink you can have in the world. There are numerous well-studied health benefits of matcha tea. Powdered matcha contains antioxidants, aminoácidos, vitaminas, and minerals that deliver health benefits unlike any other food, drink, or traditional green tea.

    Matcha runs from the highest grades to the lowest. These higher grades have brilliant green color, rich aroma, and a distinct, but not bitter taste. Traditional tea ceremonies use ‘premium’ or ceremonial grade to make thick tea, and many daily drinkers outside of traditional settings prefer this quality for its bold flavor, striking emerald-green color, energy-building properties, and health benefits.

    matcha grades


    Details about our best matcha powder

    Item de análise Especificação Resultados
    Controle Físico
    Material Em conformidade
    Aparência Pó verde fresco Em conformidade
    Odor Característica Característica
    Gosto Maduro Maduro
    Umidade 7.0% Máx. 5.70%
    Cinza(%) 7.5% Máx. 5.60%
    Malha ≥1000 malhas Em conformidade
    Controle Químico
    Polifenóis do chá 10% Mín. 14.20%
    Cafeína 5% Máx. 1.20%
    Controle Microbiológico
    Contagem total de placas, UFC/g 1000UFC/g Máx. 220
    E. Coli Negativo Negativo

    best matcha powder

    Matcha Powder Benefits You need to Know

    1. Great for your immunity

    Matcha green tea Fortifies the immune system and limits the invasion and growth of viruses and bacteria in the body. The special catechin antioxidant called EGCG is effective in fighting and protecting the body against various bacterial and viral infections. EGCG binds to cells in the body and inhibits the growth of many disease-causing microorganisms including influenza A virus, Hepatitis Virus, Herpes Virus, and the bacteria that causes Strep Throat.

    2. Powerful Antioxidants

    Antioxidants remove bad molecules from the body and decrease oxidative stress. Matcha, and green teas in general, are high in substances that act as antioxidants, including catechins. Tea also contains flavonoids, compounds reported to have antioxidant properties for many occasions. Matcha Green Tea measures 1384 units per gram. That’s 13x the antioxidants of pomegranates, 15x the antioxidants of blueberries, and 125x that of spinach.

    3. It may improve heart health

    Green tea is full of powerful antioxidants that several studies have linked to a lower risk of heart disease. UMA 2011 analysis has found that green tea consumption resulted in significant reductions in serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations. Another study, publicado em 2020, found that the polyphenols found in all tea—but present in even greater amounts in green tea and matcha—improve cell function in the heart and blood vessels, leading to a decreased risk of heart attack or stroke. matcha green tea powder may be much more effective than steeped green tea when it comes to heart health. Introducing matcha green tea into your regular diet may significantly lower your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

    4. Matcha powder burns calories

    Try adding matcha to your weight loss program and see what happens. EGCg and caffeine work together to naturally boost your metabolism and increase the number of calories you burn on a daily basis. It would be helpful for weight loss, isn’t it?

    matcha bulk powder

    Aplicação de Matcha em pó

    -O pó de chá verde Matcha pode ser usado em bebidas.
    -O pó de chá verde Matcha é usado como um tipo de aditivo natural em muitos campos, como cosméticos, sorvete, pão, pasta de dentes, bolacha, e assim por diante.

    Why Choose the best matcha powder from Bestnutras?

    Nós apreciamos os relacionamentos comerciais de longo prazo e amigáveis ​​com clientes em todo o mundo. Então podemos oferecer amostras grátis para o R&Teste D. Best Nutras pode ser seu melhor fornecedor de pó matcha. E podemos personalizar seu pedido de acordo com sua demanda para garantir que cada cliente fique satisfeito com nossos produtos matcha.
    Bem-vindo a entrar em contato conosco em [email protected].


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