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  • Pó de Espinheiro Marinho

    Nome do Produto: Pó de Espinheiro Marinho
    Nome latino: Hippophae rhamnoides Linn
    Taxa de especificação: 4:1; 8:1; 10:1, Seabuckthorn Flavonoids 25%
    Peça usada: Fruta
    Aparência: Brownish yellow fine powder
    Método de teste: TLC, UV

    Frutas e legumes em pó , , , , ,
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    O que é pó de espinheiro marítimo?

    O pó de frutas de espinheiro-mar é doce e azedo, rico em proteínas, contida em seus mais de 20 tipos de aminoácidos, Incluindo 8 tipos de aminoácidos essenciais. Teor de vitamina C de 3 vezes o kiwi chinês, espinheiro 20 vezes, 100 vezes a maçã. A quantidade de vitamina E é 30 vezes maior que o óleo de soja. Vitamin B1 content is 2 times the strawberry; other also contains vitamin B2, vitamin P, ácido fólico, folamide and trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids. Serotonin in seabuckthorn fruit. There is a significant anti-tumor activity.
    Sea Buckthorn Juice Powder also has a uniquely high fatty acid content but when applied to the skin does not leave an oily reside as it is quickly absorbed. It contains more vitamin E then any other known plant-based oil and, with anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and swelling.

    Sea Buckthorn juice powder


    Análise Especificação Resultado Método de teste
    Ensaio 10:1 20:1 TLC
    Aparência Pó fino amarelo Em conformidade Visual
    Odor Característica Característica Organoléptico
    Part used Raiz Raiz /
    Extract Solvent Ethanol & Água Em conformidade /
    Contagem total de placas 1000UFC/g Máx. Em conformidade AOAC
    Fermento & Bolor 100UFC/g Máx. Em conformidade AOAC

    sea buckthorn oil powder

    Benefits of Pó de Espinheiro Marinho

    1.Sea Buckthorn Extract:Relieving cough and eliminating sputum, relieving dyspepsia, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis;
    2.Sea Buckthorn Powder can improve the cardiac muscle microcirculation, reducing the cardiac muscle oxygen consumption capacity and diminishing inflammation;
    3.Sea Buckthorn juice powder can be used for indigestion and abdominal pain, amenorrhoea and ecchymosis, injury due to falling;
    4.Sea Buckthorn oil and fruit juice can resist tiredness, reduce blood fat, resist radiation and ulceration, protect the liver, enhance the immunity.

    Sea Buckthorn Fruit Powder Uses

    1. Application in food processing: organic sea buckthorn powder’s unique growth environment and unique health functions are particularly suitable for the development of functional foods and superfoods, it can be used as food additives for flavor and raw powder for drink directly.
    2.Application in animal nutrition: Sea Buckthorn Extract leaves and fruits contain crude protein, gordura, vitamins and crude fiber. It is an excellent feed additive and can develop animal husbandry.
    3.Medical applications: It is widely used for muscles health and could reduce the cardiac muscle oxygen consumption capacity. The research on organic sea buckthorn powder efficacy is mostly concentrated on seabuckthorn extract, sea buckthorn oil.

    Produção de pó de espinheiro marítimo

    Where to buy Sea Buckthorn extract powder?

    Best Nutras could supply different products from Sea Buckthorn, such as Sea Buckthorn fruit powder, Sea Buckthorn oil, Sea Buckthorn oil powder, Pó de espinheiro-mar orgânico, Sea Buckthorn Extractetc for different purposes no matter you are working at food production or pharma industry. Apenas sinta-se à vontade para nos escrever em [email protected] ou envie-nos o inquérito através do formulário inferior.

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