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наименование товара: Порошок женьшеня
Catagories: Panax ginseng powder, siberian ginseng powder, red ginseng powder
Используемая часть: Корень
Спец.: 5%-80% Ginsenoside
Цвет: Светло-желтый порошок
Образец: Доступно по 10-20 г
Заявление: Еда, Nutraceutical, Фармацевтическая, Personal Care
Функция: Soothe the nerves, Анти-усталость, and Enhance immunity
Эл. адрес: [email protected]
Порошок корня женьшеня представляет собой эффективное порошкообразное вещество, извлеченное из женьшеня., и он содержит много активных ингредиентов или питательных веществ. В целом, первое, о чем мы думаем, это лекарственная ценность.
Оба американского женьшеня (Панакс пятилистный, л.) и азиатский женьшень (п. Женьшень) может повысить энергию, снизить уровень сахара и холестерина в крови, снизить стресс, способствовать расслаблению, лечить диабет, and manage sexual dysfunction in men.
наименование товара
Порошок женьшеня
Grinding Powder 5%-80%Ginsenoside
Immunity and
Противораковый |
Прохладное сухое место
Срок годности
24 Месяцы
Минимальный заказ
1 Кг
Полученные результаты
Физический анализ
Светло-желтый порошок
Ginsenosides 80%
Размер ячейки
100 % проходят 80 сетка
≤ 5.0%
Убыток от высыхания
≤ 5.0%
Химический анализ
Тяжелый металл
≤ 10.0 мг/кг
≤ 2.0 мг/кг
В виде
≤ 1.0 мг/кг
ртутного столба
≤ 0.1 мг/кг
Микробиологический анализ
Остаток пестицида
Общее количество тарелок
≤ 1000cfu/g
≤ 100cfu/g
Электронная катушка
1. Ginseng root extract has been shown to help reduce inflammatory markers and help protect against oxidative stress.
2. Ginseng powder has been shown to benefit mental functions, feelings of calmness, and mood in both healthy people and those with Alzheimer’s disease.
3. Ginseng root powder may improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction by decreasing oxidative stress in tissues and enhancing blood flow in penile muscles.
4. Ginseng powder may strengthen the immune system in people with cancer and even enhance the effects of certain vaccinations.
5. Ginsenosides in ginseng seem to regulate inflammation, provide antioxidant protection and maintain the health of cells, which could help decrease the risk of certain kinds of cancer.
6. Ginseng extract powder may help fight fatigue and enhance physical activity by lowering oxidative damage and increasing energy production in cells.
Ginseng root powder has many functions. Clinically, general strengthening has a very good effect on the adjuvant treatment of diabetes or treatment of some deformed diseases, and even protection of stomach and liver and gallbladder diseases. It can effectively achieve the effect of treating the endocrine system and is of great significance for the prevention of angina pectoris or adjuvant therapy, malnutrition, и т.д.
Конечно, it also has a very good value for beauty and beauty. In many beauty products or skin care products, adding ginseng root powder can not only effectively promote the skin metabolism of the human body, but also delay skin aging or nourish blood and improve skin nutrition.
The moisture balance of the skin is very important to prevent dehydration and dryness of the skin. The micro-mineral elements contained in it can also effectively keep the skin smooth and it is also very important for moisturizing the skin.
Сейчас, do we have a whitening and anti-aging effect on ginseng root powder? The beauty and beauty value that ginseng root powder can emit is relatively high, and it is very helpful for inhibiting melanin or beautifying and moisturizing the skin. The skin care products of ginseng root powder can not only make the skin fairer but also play a very important role in preventing some skin diseases.
1. Ginseng Powder is applied in healthcare products, for example producing capsules, supplements…
2. Ginseng root powder is applied in medicine as raw material, and also skincare products.
Best Nutras has been working in the R&D of natural products for over five years and we could supply kinds of ginseng powder, like Panax ginseng powder, порошок сибирского женьшеня, red ginseng powder, and even ginseng supplements for your wide choices. Добро пожаловать, чтобы сообщить нам о ваших требованиях в [email protected].