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  • Рутин

    наименование товара: Рутин
    Технические характеристики: 95% ВЭЖХ
    Появление: Желтый мелкий порошок
    Молекулярная формула:C15H10O
    Молекулярный вес: 302.23
    CAS Registry Number: 117-39-5
    Сертификаты: ИСО,КОШЕРНЫЙ,Халяль,Органический;
    Упаковка :25кг/барабан или 1 кг/мешок;
    Образцы: Доступный
    Эл. адрес: [email protected]


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    Что такое Рутин?

    Рутин — мощный биофлавоноид с мощными антиоксидантными свойствами, который может улучшить кровообращение.. Natural Factors Рутин также содержит витамин С для лучшего усвоения.. Каждая капсула помогает организму усваивать жиры и белки.. Помогает в развитии и поддержании костей., хрящ, зубы и десны, и в формировании соединительной ткани.
    Rutin is also known for its potential ability to promote the production of collagen and help the body to use vitamin C properly. The name of the flavonoid comes from the name of the plant Ruta graveolens, which also contains this phytonutrient. Chemically, rutin is a glycoside that comprises flavonolic aglycone quercetin, along with disaccharide rutinose.

    Рутин порошок

    Предметы Технические характеристики
    наименование товара Рутин 20%,40%,50%,70%,90%
    Ботанический источник <12%
    Появление <5%
    PI(Phosphatidylinositol) <5%
    Растворимость Practically insoluble in chloroform and ether
    Infinitesimally soluble in cool water
    Sparingly soluble in boiling ethanol and boiling water
    Dissolves in solution of alkali hydroxides
    Идентификация A.B.C
    Технические характеристики NF11 95%UV, DAB10 98%UV
    Убыток от высыхания 5.5-9.0%
    Остаток при прокаливании ≤0.5%
    Impurity quercetin ≤5%
    Хлорофилл ≤0.004%
    Red pigments ≤0.004%
    Тяжелый металл ≤10ppm
    Размер ячейки 95% проходят 80 сетка
    анализ (anhydrous substance) 95% —101.5%


    Преимущества рутина

    As all flavonoids, rutin is an antioxidant. It’s one of the most important and well-researched flavonoids. It protects the cells and has anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting potential. By its widespread action, rutin can protect the heart, печень, brain, and bones.

    1. Rutin can be used as edible antioxidants and nutritional enhancers.
    2. Rutin has vitamin P-like action and anti-inflammatory effect, can reduce inflammation caused by mustard oil on animal eyes or skin, has anti-viral effect, and has the largest vesicular stomatitis virus at a concentration of 200 μg·ml-1 Inhibition. It has strong antioxidant properties, and the addition of rutin to the lysosome-rich homogenate can inhibit the formation of lipid-like peroxides. It can strongly absorb ultraviolet rays at 280-335 nm and can be used for sunscreen whitening cosmetics.
    3. Rutin has the functions of maintaining vascular resistance, reducing its permeability, and reducing fragility. It can be used to prevent diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage, гипертония, retinal hemorrhage, purpura and acute hemorrhagic nephritis.
    4.Pharmaceuticals Function: Anti-free radical action, Anti-lipid peroxidation, Antagonistic effect of platelet activating factor, Anti-acute pancreatitis.

    Suggested Use Of Rutin Powder

    • A factor in the maintenance of good health.
    • Helps the body metabolize fats and proteins.
    • Helps in connective tissue formation and in the development and maintenance of bones, хрящ, teeth, and gums.
    • Helps in wound healing.
    • An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health.

    Best Nutras is specilizing at the production and export of Rutin powder for over five years. And we are now working at the R&D of Rutin supplement for many companies abroad. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь сообщить нам ваше требование по адресу [email protected].



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