Product Categories
- Herbals (5)
- Cosmetics Ingredients (3)
- Plantbased Ingredients (56)
- Botanical Extracts (33)
- Fruit and Vegetable Powder (8)
- Food additive (18)
- Dietary Supplements (10)
In a normal diet, intake of herbs may therefore contribute significantly to the total intake of plant antioxidants, and be an even better source of dietary antioxidants than many other food groups such as fruits, berries, cereals and vegetables.
Why are herbals so important?
But the true power of herbs lies in their wealth of protective polyphenols — plant compounds with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Piles of studies show that polyphenols in herbs help combat such diseases as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and more. Consuming herbs may help to prevent and manage heart disease and diabetes also.
Where to find your herbals supplier?
Herbals from Best Nutras will offer the traditional remedy methods for many diseases with different herbals offered. Welcome to contact us at: [email protected].