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La melatonina è un ormone amminico prodotto principalmente dalla ghiandola pineale nei mammiferi e nell'uomo. In 1959, lo scienziato Lerner isolò per primo un ormone nella ghiandola pineale. Perché questo ormone può far illuminare una cellula che produce melanina, prende il prefisso Mela; allo stesso tempo, perché deriva dalla serotonina ( serotonina), quindi prendi il suffisso tonin, dunque, this pineal hormone is named Melatonin (melatonina). Melatonin is a hormone that has been shown to play an important role in regulating the body’s natural wakefulness cycle (circadian rhythm). Melatonin levels increase as light levels decrease, and based on this, it plays an important role in regulating sleep quality in people with insomnia. All of the melatonin supplements we choose for you have been rigorously tested by a third-party testing agency in the United States, and these agencies have conducted rigorous testing on ingredient safety and purity. Foods contain very small amounts of melatonin. Melatonin contained in dietary supplements is usually synthesized or extracted from natural plants, but the chemical molecular structure is the same.
1. It plays a role in regulating the natural cycle of wakefulness and sleep, and promotes human sleep. With the increase of light level, the content of melatonin in the body gradually decreases; vice versa, it increases.
2. Melatonin in the treatment of chronic insomnia in children.
3. Melatonin in the treatment of autism in children.
4. Taking melatonin is effective for people who stop sleeping pills.
5. Improve sleep quality in patients with diabetes, schizophrenia, Il morbo di Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease and hospitalization.
6. Improve the symptoms of people with sleep disorders, such as DSPS (post-sleep phase shift syndrome, most people with this disease will not fall asleep until early morning and wake up at noon or afternoon) and weekend delayed sleep patterns (Friday and Saturday nights) Difficulty falling asleep).
7. Patients taking 3-15mg of melatonin about 60-90 minutes before surgery can effectively reduce anxiety and enhance sedation. In some cases, midazolam medicines have the same effect. No adverse reactions. (Yousaf, Anesthesiology 2010; Hansen, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015).
8. Clinical studies have shown that children aged 14 and under can significantly reduce anxiety and pain when taking a dose of 0.5 a 5 mg 30 minutes before blood draw. (Marseglia, J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 2015).
9. Melatonin may help improve symptoms and improve sleep quality in patients with tinnitus. Research data showed that daily melatonin 3 mg reduced symptoms by 40% after one month (Lopez-Gonzalez, J Otolaryngol 2007).
10. Melatonin can help women who have undergone breast cancer surgery to improve postoperative sleep quality.
11. Relieve symptoms of tardive dyskinesia (a potential long-term side effect of taking antipsychotics).
12. Melatonin improves nicotine withdrawal symptoms, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion and cluster headaches.
13. Preliminary evidence suggests that taking melatonin can be used as an adjunct in conventional cancer treatment, helping to reduce side effects and enhance the efficacy of the drug.
14. Melatonin has antioxidant properties and is known as an “anti-aging supplement”.
15. Taking 3mg of melatonin daily for 3 months can reduce the number of days of pain per month.
Dosaggio: For some people, a dose of as little as 0.5mg may be enough to promote sleep.
Please note: 1mg = 1000mcg*
-To aid sleep: Melatonin is usually taken in a dose of 2 a 3 mg within 30 a 60 minutes of bedtime.
-It is suitable for insomnia caused by long-distance flights and needs to be taken continuously for 4 giorni.
-Sustained-release dosage forms of 3 mg can also be combined with immediate-release dosage forms of 2-3 mg. May be ineffective at doses less than 2 mg.
-Treatment of chronic sleep disorders in children: 5 mg daily at 6 pm.
-To treat insomnia in children with developmental disabilities: Take 5 mg daily at 8pm.
-To prevent cluster headaches: Take 10mg daily at bedtime.
-As an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy: Take 10-50 mg daily before and during treatment.
-To reduce tardive dyskinesia: Take 10 mg daily in extended-release dosage form.
-Sindrome dell'intestino irritabile: Take 3mg daily at bedtime.
-Weekend Delayed Sleep Pattern: Take 6 mg 5 hours before bedtime on Sunday.
Are you looking for any melatonin powder with premium quality?
Benvenuto per inviarci una richiesta a [email protected] if you need any melatonin powder or melatonin supplement.