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Многие знают, что мелатонин — это гормон сна.. Он секретируется в больших количествах ночью и регулирует наш ритм сна.. But what many people don’t know is that sleep aids are just one of the many effects of melatonin.
В дополнение к помощи сна, мелатонин также является мощным антиоксидантом – антивозрастной и иммуномодулирующий. Также, мелатонин необходим для восстановления пищеварительной системы.
Следующий, мы заново поймем мелатонин вместе.
① Melatonin, научно известный как N-ацетил-5-метокситриптамин, гормон, который регулирует цикл сна-бодрствования.
Мелатонин секретируется шишковидной железой головного мозга.; Однако, наш костный мозг, сетчатка, и желудочно-кишечный тракт также производят мелатонин.
② The secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland is controlled by the central biological clock; поэтому, the level of melatonin in the human body exhibits a significant circadian rhythm.
Melatonin levels are low during the day; Melatonin secretion increases at night.
Фактически, melatonin levels in the blood at night are 10-15 times higher than during the day.
③ There are two main types of melatonin receptors in the cells of our body, one is melatonin receptor 1 (MT1) and the other is melatonin receptor 2 (MT2).
There is a regulatory effect of melatonin in the human brain, сетчатка, печень, kidney, digestive tract, skin and immune cells.
The particular topics are the antioxidant mechanisms of melatonin, its regulatory effects on the immune system, and its effects on the digestive system among all topics.
① Excessive free radicals can cause cell damage, thereby accelerating aging. Melatonin can increase antioxidant enzymes in cells, including superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, и глутамилцистеинсинтаза. Эти ферменты помогают защитить клетки и митохондрии от повреждения свободными радикалами..
② In addition, мелатонин может напрямую сочетаться с активными свободными радикалами кислорода и активными свободными радикалами азота, делая эти свободные радикалы менее вредными. Под защитой мелатонина, клетки и митохондрии менее склонны к апоптозу.
③ Melatonin has an important protective effect on DNA and can prevent it from being damaged by heavy metals.
Также, мелатонин превосходит многие распространенные антиоксиданты, такие как альфа-липоевая кислота, катехин, и ресвератрол.
④ The health of our brains, глаза, кишки, Костный мозг, яичников и яичек зависит от антиоксидантного механизма мелатонина.
⑤ Some antioxidants, включая альфа-липоевую кислоту, витамин Е и витамин D3, плюс мелатонин, может иметь синергетический эффект 1+1>2.
⑥ Not only melatonin itself, но также метаболиты мелатонина часто обладают антиоксидантным действием.
Например, 6-Гидроксимелатонин, метаболит мелатонина, оказывает мощное нейропротекторное действие.
С этой точки зрения, the antioxidant capacity of melatonin is “passed from generation to generation”.
① Numerous immune cells have receptors for melatonin, including CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells and B cells.
② The balance of Th1 cells and Th2 cells is essential to maintain the health of the immune system; and melatonin can maintain this balance.
③ The regulation of melatonin on the immune system is bidirectional.
When the immune system is insufficient, it can activate the immune system, and in the case of an inflammatory response, it can play an anti-inflammatory role.
④ Melatonin can inhibit the production of various inflammatory factors, including IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-alpha, NF-kB and nitric oxide.
⑤ Melatonin plays an important role in many autoimmune diseases. In type 1 сахарный диабет, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease, melatonin acts to reduce inflammation.
Однако, in rheumatoid arthritis, melatonin may slightly increase inflammation levels.
① Although melatonin is synthesized by the pineal gland, in fact, the melatonin content in the digestive tract is the most.
② Melatonin in the digestive tract is synthesized by enterochromaffin cells, and its concentration is about 10-100 times that in the blood, and the total content is about 400 times that in the pineal gland.
③ As we said above, melatonin has a powerful antioxidant function, and this function may have important significance for the repair of the digestive tract.
④ Studies have found that melatonin can accelerate wound healing in both aspirin-induced gastric ulcers and Helicobacter pylori-induced gastric ulcers.
⑤ In studies of gastroesophageal reflux disease, 3 мг мелатонина на ночь также помог облегчить симптомы.
Хотя и не так эффективен, как омепразол, отпускаемый по рецепту., два работают синергетически при совместном использовании.
⑥ In the study of irritable bowel syndrome, было обнаружено, что мелатонин (3мг на ночь в большинстве исследований) может эффективно облегчить симптомы боли в животе.
⑦ However, research on melatonin in the digestive tract is quite limited.
But we have reason to believe that this hormone, which is abundantly produced in the gut, must have important physiological significance.
① How can I increase my level of melatonin to get the benefits it brings? There are mainly two directions: (1) eat directly, (2) rely on the body to synthesize.
② Some plants contain a small amount of melatonin, such as:
Tomato (3-114ng/g), Cherry (2.06-13.46ng/g), Walnut (3-4ng/g), Strawberry (1-11ng/g), Olive Oil (53-119pg/ml)
PS: 1ng = 10^(-6)мг, 1pg=10^(-9)мг
Compared to melatonin supplement, these foods provide relatively small amounts.
Все еще, the study found that people who ate the most plants had 16 percent more melatonin in their urine than those who ate the least.
③ Oral melatonin supplementation is the most direct way.
The safety of melatonin is relatively good, and no significant adverse reactions have been found in both oral 240mg and injection 500mg. Однако, a small number of people experience drowsiness the next day after taking melatonin.
The dose of melatonin used will vary from trial to trial, but a general range of 0.2-5 mg is used. It’s effective that melatonin is usually best taken 1-2 hours before bedtime.
Use during the day may disrupt circadian rhythms and increase the risk of bipolar disorder and depression.
④ Of course, Most natural ways rely on the body to synthesize melatonin.
In order to ensure the synthesis of melatonin, on the one hand, you need to consume the nutrients needed to produce melatonin; с другой стороны, you need to have a good circadian rhythm.
⑤ The precursor of melatonin is serotonin, and the precursor of serotonin is tryptophan.
To synthesize melatonin, you need to eat foods rich in tryptophan, such as chicken, рыбы, and milk.
В дополнение к этому, фолиевая кислота, витамин В6, magnesium and zinc are also important.
Folic acid and vitamin B6 can promote the production of serotonin from tryptophan; Magnesium and zinc boost the production of serotonin and melatonin.
⑥ The secretion of melatonin is strictly regulated by the body’s biological clock system.
Light at night, especially blue light, can significantly inhibit the secretion of melatonin.
In order to ensure the secretion of melatonin, it is best to turn off all lights as much as possible at least 1 hour before bedtime.
В то же время, all electronic devices should be adjusted to night mode.
Melatonin is an underrated hormone.
As some scholars said ” it under promises but over delivers”.
-Not only is it a sleep hormone, but it is also an antioxidant, immunomodulatory and gut repair hormone.
-Melatonin affects numerous organs and tissues in the body.
-It protects cells, mitochondria and DNA from free radical damage.
-It regulates the immune system in both directions, boosting immunity or reducing inflammation when necessary.
-В то же время, it promotes the repair of the stomach and esophagus, and relieves painful symptoms of irritable bowel.
To increase melatonin levels, it is safe to supplement with melatonin, but a more natural approach is to calibrate your circadian rhythm.
Best Nutras has the products of Melatonin powder and melatonin supplement for customers’ choice. Добро пожаловать, чтобы отправить нам запрос на [email protected] for our melatonin products.